Sorry, but this post is going to have a lot of pictures and a couple of videos. These obviously are mainly for the grandparents. Well, my sweet little baby turned 1 today. I can't believe that time has gone by this quickly. I feel badly that we weren't able to make it a bigger deal than it was, but of course he was okay with it. We went to Chuck E Cheese last night, and he chowed down on pizza and even got a little taste of the good stuff. What is the good stuff you say? Dr. Pepper! He liked it, but the carbonation was a little much. It was funny to see he reaction every time. He rode on the carousel, clifford, the Chuck E Cheese car, and we even got our family in a sketch. It was fun, but a late night for both of them. He also took he first steps yesterday. Our goal is to have him walking by the time Grandma Bean comes to visit in April. I am very excited to see my Mom and my sisters. Although, my little sister Lynsey won't be able to come. I promise I will see you soon Lyns. All in all I think he had a good day, and thanks so much to the grandparents for all the wonderful stuff you sent.
Make That Four
5 years ago
Brooks is such a handsome little guy. Looks like he had a great birthday! I am jealous you get to hang out with your sisters I could so use a sister trip! My husband is addicted to the good stuff.
He is soo cute!!!!! I can't wait to just eat him right up when we come!!! I wish we could have been there, but I am happy we are comming to visit. I sent Brooks' stuff yesterday, so hopefully you will get it soon! Love, Nicole
Happy Birthday Brooks! We sang to you at FHE on Sunday.
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